Healing Crisis?

Have you ever heard the term 'Healing Crisis'?
Chances are you haven't unless you or your animal has been through it, and if you have chosen a good raw feed supplier, who really knows about canine nutrition and dietary needs, and is able to give you proper, informed support in changing your dog over to a raw diet, you will never see it, and your dogs health will simply go from strength to strength.
In our everyday lives we ingest and take into our bodies many toxins and not all of them are effectively dealt with by the liver.
These toxins stay in our bodies and are stored and added to as time goes on. It used to be thought a healing crisis was when the body 'deals with the problem' - like when your skin detox's out excess oils and waste in the form of a big spot or boil but on a larger scale - a scale where there are more, uncomfortable symptoms which may take some time to work through - generally the worse the symptoms, the more toxins there are to be detoxed out of the body in order to achieve a state of good health, but it is now known that if the body is getting the correct nutrition needed, it simply works more effectively, and it is when incorrect dietary guidelines are followed, resulting in much needed nutrients not being supplied, that this 'healing crisis' is most likely to happen.
There may be any of the following experienced: diarrhea, thinning of coat, sores and scabs, gunky ears, gunky eyes, 'wet eczema', hot spots, and in more severe cases even weight loss.
Diarrhea is less common, especially if the dog is fasted before being changed over, and aided with probiotics and/or enzymes, thankfully, but can still happen initially.
When you change your dog over to a raw diet, to avoid the rick of these things happening to your dog, follow our NHD diet guide, where your dog will have all the necessary nutrition it's body needs, right from the word go, and whichever raw food supplier you choose to use, make sure they are experienced and well-established, knowing and offering ongoing support to their customers, not just treating their business as just a job.
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